[SOLVED]820-3115 keychain error after little liquid damage

hi ,
mostly clean board but found little liquid damage and that was cleaned . now the machine always seems to forget keychain . i believe the keychain to be managed by harddrive and os but upon changing many drives and the fault reappearing i would like you to advise what hardware components are involved so i can look into that area. Also i have tried booting from external source but some how after few hours or restarts the problem reappear.
kindly advise


I really don't think this is a hardware issue. Is this happening on a clean install? Only thing that might cause an issue could be the HDD cable on these, but that would cause more problems than just the keychain.
hi Duke ,
thanks for the reply , there were some problems such as every few mins it was forgetting wifi password , if i select option such as to show secs in time clock it will just tick the box but the actual function would not happen .

But keeping your advise in mind we replaced the cable but it started showing no entry sign( most likely faulty cable) , then
tried 2011 cable on 2012 board and it worked .

During the repair process we also replaced r1833 and r2573 as they were liquid damaged. it seems to be functioning so far , no idea if it is related but so far functional . we can close the post .

thanks again
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This will be software issue, rename keychain folder in user library folder, restart mac. New keychain will be created. Passwords will now be remembered until keychain breaks again.