[SOLVED]820-3437 Chime keeps Repeating everytime after Pram reset.

Don Anton

New member
This is a liquid damaged board. it was badly damaged in u7090 area. How ever I fixed it and now it has pp3v42 3.4 and diod mode 0.291. now the issue is some times it works fine then again stuck in apple logo at the very start. SMC reset works fine but after pram reset chime repeats. board is pretty clean and no sign on liquid damaged other side of the board. reflow the SMC but still the same. dont want to do anything else until I get a correct opinion.

Greatly appreciate your support.

Thank you.

Don Anton

New member
Hi Duke, Thank you for your quick reply. You are spot on right. What I did was clean under the J6100 and put back. Yes the looping chime was just a Echo. thank you so much for your support. This is solved.