[SOLVED]820-3437 no power


New member
have an a1466 come in mysterious no power issue, customer said no water no drop etc
i open it and have a quick look, it looks fine, look closer C7371 exploded turned into a wire pushing ppbus_s5_hs_comp to ground
plugged in charger green brown light, started checking voltages, I start with pp5v_s5, this is 0.7 to 1V
no point in checking any other voltages if s5 is fucked
any ideas?


Voltage at F7140?

This may be one of the rare instances that F7140 has blown. You need to start looking at the charging voltage before S5...


New member
voltage was 0.8 volts, ohms was fine but OL on diode mode, there was also a black dot on the top, so replaced it and tested now is working