This one is odd
Computer chimes, backlight turns on after a few seconds then keyboard backlight turns on.
Screen is blank.
New screen same results.
LCD SW is 5v
BL is 32v
EDP,SMBUS,I2C BKL all are 3.3v
LCD_HDP_CONN is 2.6v
Data lines all are OL in Diode mode.
No display on external monitor either.
SMC Reset no change
PRAM Reset no change
SMC Bypass no change
Happened after customer disconnected Thunderbolt monitor and HDMI monitor from the laptop and went home.
Computer chimes, backlight turns on after a few seconds then keyboard backlight turns on.
Screen is blank.
New screen same results.
LCD SW is 5v
BL is 32v
EDP,SMBUS,I2C BKL all are 3.3v
LCD_HDP_CONN is 2.6v
Data lines all are OL in Diode mode.
No display on external monitor either.
SMC Reset no change
PRAM Reset no change
SMC Bypass no change
Happened after customer disconnected Thunderbolt monitor and HDMI monitor from the laptop and went home.