Trackpad jumps around unless....


New member
So an A1398.Put a different battery in there.
Trackpad jumops around but if I brush my hand flat over it, it's fine for a while.
Jumps again, brush hand, fine.

I have ideas about static or whatever but this is based on absolutely nothing but childhood CRT TVs.

Anyone know why this is happening?


Not sure on the technicality of it all, but if you remove the charger i bet it stops?
is the charger well grounded? Magsafe screwed in? all trackpad screws present .ect?


New member
Chinese charger issue or bad trackpad. Possibly damaged cable during battery install?

Nope, no damage to the cable. It was jumping around with the old battery, so I changed it in hope it would resolve the issue.

Not sure on the technicality of it all, but if you remove the charger i bet it stops?
is the charger well grounded? Magsafe screwed in? all trackpad screws present .ect?

I know what you're thinking here, low voltage and over current from shit charger causing trackpad to jump about. Remove charger and all good.... It's not that either.
And yes, yes, all good.

I will slap a new trackpad in there along with a cable and see what happens.
Seen plenty of jumping trackpads but I have not seen this before where brushing the trackpad helps. Fucking odd.
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