Without SMC_Adapter_EN 2936


New member
Board is already repaired. I replaced smc. I had smc adapter at 0V and it works with battery only sometimes. Never with adapter. Thats way I had this question.


New member
Well, it is not repaired. PPBUS - 12.56V. It works only with ac adapter.
With battery doesnot power anymore. I checked 3V on keyboard connector pin-5 and goes to 0V when press power. Also tried with new keyboard. After I replaced SMC it power with keyboard and battery plued 3 times and charges battery to 10% but now it power ONLY with ac adapter. Could be bad soldering or bad SMC?


New member
Battery is recognized and charges also. Indicator is not connected. What is next? Replace SMC again?

Here is the history:
I recived the laptops working only with battery. Only with ac adapter no green light and doesnot power. I heat SMC and I got green light and works only 1 hour. Then I replaced SMC and now works everything except to power the board with keyboard. I power the board with battery and then I plud the battery in hot and all is ok.


No idea, as it worked with the other SMC I suspect another SMC issue. Did you replace it with a donor SMC from a 2936 board?


New member
I repalced SMC again and know power with button too. Will test 1 day more. Last time it worked ok after SMC replacment only 30 minutes.