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I had a shot SMC_SCL line (full shorted to ground), not seing a battery, smc was hot, removed and short gone. Replaced an SMC from donnour board and it’s bad, it spins 2-3 seconds, stops, and spin forever. Fan is at full max right after pluging magsafe...Pretty confident for the soldering.
Avref is 3.3V, Sometimes it wil himes sometimes it doesn't but all rail present including cpu vcore...
I Will reball SMC as corrosion got there for sure, I just found R5498 (DCIN Vsense) completely gone and bad looking TMS TDI TDO resistors...
I will report back. Thanks!
This old board was coroded and had many issues to name a few:
3 bad sensors due to bad divider resistor and or traces and or sensor itself.
3 shorts firewire thunderbolt and IR chip
Bad backlight circuit with maximum of issue, fuse, sensing resistor, traces, driver chip enabler circuit
No I didn't try a bios yet.
I dont get voltage (0V) on pins 28-30/J8300 because LCD_PWR_EN is missing so no Vout on u8300.
I don't have image on external monitor also.
Should I still try a bios, or more things to check for gpu circuit?
No drop according to the client and the laptop body.
no water damage, i just noticed the screen looks like it's a replacement...but for now i don't have video, pramed the board still no video.
This board has no liquid damage, it chimes and fully boot i can see activity with pendrive, caps lock keyboard and the sound in osx when i press keyboard keys.
I have no image and obviously no backlight.
It is missing LCD_PWR_EN
All the following gpu sequence rails is missing:
Any suggestion about this one before I give it back? Thanks
Don't know if on this model fan ramp up progressively to maximum when trackpad is disconnected… I think it should if TS0P is located on the trackpad…
I don't know if this is most likely related to bad ME region or other additional issue...
So I tested another bios (with no warranty wether clean ME or not) and samed thing...
it chimes, it's able to PRAM but no image/backlight...
Any suggestiona? Thanks
I notice also fans doesn't ramp up due to missing trackpad, it just run quiet as if trackpad was connected??
Sorry, for some reason it’s missing a line,
Since I can’t open your dump, the compressed file is reported as corrupted (maybe it’s my win xp system :), I’ve downloaded from Vinafix a bios to test. They had a 8MB version and a 4MB.
I just took a standard 8MB version.
Yes I tested with external monitor, it doesn't work.
However I am sure there is activity,, it chimes, I can PRAM the board with external kbd.
I also see flashing activity with my usb live os hdd,
When I boot holding option key, I can see Caps Lock key light on.
Voltages on J9000...
I cleaned smc edges and reflowed, a piece of edge bonding was messing everything right where SMC_HDD_ISENCE was.
Thanks god didn't have to reball it.
This board had initially a problem with no holding off charger only and BIL button not reporting anything when pressed (led were working when you plug charger and when you unplug).
After some tests I concluded too early for an smc issue and reflowed it because there is nothing much for...
Waw this board is trash I removed U3810 and still full short on PP3V3_T29 and PP3V3_S0 with diode mode 0.050.
It looks like endless issues...
PP3V3_T29 short was caused by u3900.
injected power 3.3V on PP3V3_S0 and only j9000 area and U1800 are slighly warm nit burning at all.
PP1V05_S0 is...
3V3_S5 is present at 3.3v.
Didn't checked 32 kHz, I will check and confirm it with O-scope and new U2800. I found something like 0.6v wich I think should be more around 0,4V... I will check also PM_SLP_SUS_L.
I found diode mode on PP3V3_S0 very low 0.050. with PP3V3_T29 full short to ground...
So back to the board, Ireplaced smc, and got 12,56v on ppbus_g3h. It's turning magasfe light to orange when a battery is plugged. However board still doesn't boot (no fan spin).
I found U2800 with a small hole crack, all signal were present except PP3V3_T29. witch is total short from ground.
Thanks for u9310 clarification. And sorry for the basics info i forget to tell.
Yes R7000 is 0 ohms with continuity to u7000, I can see also 3,46v on both sides and U7000-Pin13
Resistance to ground
R5280 2,611 kOhms
R5281 2,614 kOhms
Diode mode also checks ok after changing the shorted ISL...
No water damage, received this board initially with no green light it was also missing U9310..
PP3v42_g3h was 3,42v SMC_BC_ACOK was also 3.4V sys_onewire and adapter_sense = 3.3V.
It turned out smc data line was shorted by isl...
Replaced ISL and got green light with ppbus_g3h at 12.23V :( I...
I got this board witch has been messed with a little...It got a sticker with (bad video card/Bios)
Hopefully GPU has not been reflowed.
I took a look at it and here is my findings:
Initially quarter fan spin...nothing to do with charging sense resistor
L3508 completely burned...but thats not a...