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  1. ALB-Repairs

    820-00163, Lid sleep issue

    I have a headache! Ive seen 00165's and 00164's with strange slow booting problems after liquid damage around the SPI. I spent half my afternoon on this board, Found another known good board, Tested it in the shell from the problem Mac. All worked Purposely swapped the Bios chips to test the...
  2. ALB-Repairs

    820-00163, Lid sleep issue

    Yeah, I thought it could be i2C lines. Its proving a tricky fight. The only other thing ive noticed is that this takes an eternity to boot. Im kinda suspicious of the Bios causing that as there was a decent amount of liquid damage around the bios chip. this one is driving me a bit mad!
  3. ALB-Repairs

    820-00163, Lid sleep issue

    Yeah, i know all about that, Tested with original screen, and a working but blotchy 2015 15" screen. going to do some digging in the schematic and see what i turn up.
  4. ALB-Repairs

    820-00163, Lid sleep issue

    Ive tested a known good screen, Same behavior. I also suspected that so replaced the connector as i suspected exactly the same. Sadly it made no difference.
  5. ALB-Repairs

    820-00163, Lid sleep issue

    Goes to sleep, wakes the keyboard backlight but not the screen.
  6. ALB-Repairs

    820-00163, Lid sleep issue

    I have a 15" Retina DG here. It works perfectly until we put it in LID sleep. When you open the LID the keyboard backlight comes up but the screens backlight does not, I have measured the backlight line and after coming out of sleep its showing 50V / No load. Not seen this one before.
  7. ALB-Repairs

    A1534 820-00244 ISL95530HIZ-TR headache

    and re ball them? That makes me pretty sad!
  8. ALB-Repairs

    A1534 820-00244 ISL95530HIZ-TR headache

    Does anyone know if there are compatibility differences between ISL95530HIZ-TR5664 and ISL95530HIZ-TR5655?
  9. ALB-Repairs

    820-3332 Almost all sensors bad

    I have another one of these (had a couple i never fixed previusly) This ones not had liquid damage, or any rework. It fast fans, and if you run ASD you get a list of practically every sensor being bad for unknown reasons. Ive replaced the SMC, checked everything i can think of and got...
  10. ALB-Repairs

    Trackpad jumps around unless....

    Not sure on the technicality of it all, but if you remove the charger i bet it stops? is the charger well grounded? Magsafe screwed in? all trackpad screws present .ect?
  11. ALB-Repairs

    820-00239 VDH002 "There may be an issue with a storage device." error

    Did you ever get anywhere with this? I have one that does exactly the same, even comes to the same screen with the lifeboat connector removed. It will boot in safe mode and can run first aid with no issues. This was liquid damaged, USB C controller chip removed to trace down passives and find...
  12. ALB-Repairs

    2500000000 GB vram!!!

    Yeah, i certainly do, lots of things i want to look into but never have enough time for. I also understand the employment side of things too. Would you mind going into system report and checking your Rom version though? i did a 2.5/1gb samsung with a 6750 yesterday as well. And it shows 1024Mb...
  13. ALB-Repairs

    820-3662's Random restarting

    is there anything you've tried so far? Ive seen PCH's cause this sort of fault on certain older model machines. Thanks
  14. ALB-Repairs

    820-3662's Random restarting

    Hi, ive seen a couple of 15" 2013 retinas just randomly restarting. these are machines with no liquid damage, and i really havent had the time to try any repairs. But it doesn't seem related to any component being stressed. We tried ram tests, CPU stress and GPU stress and it will run fine, but...
  15. ALB-Repairs

    2500000000 GB vram!!!

    Probably flogging a dead horse here, Did another today, Same had the same ROM version and shows the VRAM correctly with the same strapping as mentioned in the posts prior.
  16. ALB-Repairs

    2500000000 GB vram!!!

    Id like to get to the bottom of this purely out of curiosity, but fair enough if your not intrigued.
  17. ALB-Repairs

    2500000000 GB vram!!!

    Ive had the issue too, Im just trying to further my knowledge of why it happens, If its ROM version or a specific revision of the samsung chips. My board has K4G20325FC-HC04 with 143 written at the top right corner, Not sure if that makes any difference yet but i would like to get to the bottom...
  18. ALB-Repairs

    2500000000 GB vram!!!

    No Title I cant prove its samsung Vram with this screenshot, but i guess you'll have to take my word for it Duke. I can confirm the straps i used are R8613, R8710 stuffed, R8612, R8611, R8712, R8711, R8610, R8709, R8708 Not stuffed That configuration is the exact same as the K91F Samsung 1GB...
  19. ALB-Repairs

    2500000000 GB vram!!!

    I can confirm I have one sat right in front of me with Samsung 1GB/2.4 with a 005 installed. It shows 1GB VRAM and runs heaven and valley, and everything else perfectly. There must be something going on in the video bios. I will put the board in a shell and screenshot it for you guys.