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  1. T

    820-02098 does not boot, Keeps restarting

    Hello. I have a 820-02098 that is not liquid damaged but would not boot to OS. When you connect the charger to it, it shows the apple logo for a few seconds, with no loading bar, and then it shuts down and does the same thing again in a loop. All ports show the same behavior. I tried DFU mode...
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    820-02098 5v only, boots when battery connected

    Hello. I got a 820-02098 that had physical damage to U8100 by whoever previously attempted to worked on this. PP3V8_AON was shorted to ground because of this. Also had a short on PPBUS_AON which ended up being caused by C9222 exploding on the board. I replaced C9222, U8100 and some caps around...
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    820-02098 one port stuck on 5v

    I have a 820-02098 that had liquid damage on the UG400 side of the board. Liquid damage was moderate. I cleaned the liquid damage and replaced a bunch of corroded caps and resistors. I get 20v and the board turns on and boots to the OS when using any of the ports on the left side of the mac, but...
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    820-01700 SSD issue

    Hello. I have a 820-01700 board that had liquid damage on the right side of the board and PP2V5_NAND_SSD0 was shorted to ground inside of the board, under C9587. Since the short is inside of the board, I cannot clear the short. This board has 512GB SSD, so 5 SSD chips total (4 on the right and 1...
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    820-02098 Liquid damage, no audio from internal speakers

    This board had some pretty bad liquid damage and partial short on PP3V8_AON. Almost every component on the board had some level of corrosion on it. The worst areas were around the ISL9240, the 3v8_AON MOSFETs and the speaker amps. I had to replace the ISL and almost all the caps and resistors...
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    820-00923 No SSD when battery is connected

    I got a 820-00923 that originally did not turn on at all. PP3V3_G3H was shorted to ground and I found corrosion on CB300. I removed CB300 and the short was gone. Replaced CB300 and now diode mode was around .360 on pp3v3_g3h and it turned on. I originally tested it without the battery and it...
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    820-02100 No keyboard or trackpad, screen flickering

    I have a 2021 16" 820-02100 board that is liquid damaged. It only had some light corrosion around UD102 area and pin 32 on the keyboard connector, which was for PP3V3_AON_KBD_CONN. I cleaned the corrosion and replaced some resistors and caps. The mac turns on and makes the chime nosie and I can...
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    820-01598 no keyboard or trackpad

    I got a 820-01598 that was liquid damaged around the trackpad connector and did not turn on. Trackpad connector was burned on PPVIN_S4_TPAD_FUSE. I cleaned the area and replaced the trackpad connector with a new one. All diode mode readings on the trackpad connector seemed to match a good board...
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    820-01700 Only works on battery, does not charge

    Hello. I have a 820-01700 that has no liquid damage, but was not turning on. I was getting 20v and amps fluctuating up to .700ma and then back down to 0.03a. The ports on the right side of the mac did not work at all and gave me 0v on my meter. I checked those ports and found a short on...
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    820-00850 Battery Service Recommended issue

    Hello. I got a 820-00850 in that is fully functional but the battery has the "Service Recommended" message on it. Battery was still charging and working fine though and it was not swollen or anything. I replaced the battery with a brand new one, and still it gives me the same message with the...
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    820-01700 No image on internal LCD

    Hello. I got a 820-01700 in that had some minor liquid damage around the LCD connector. The LCD connector on the logic board is clean but the connector on the screen side is damaged. I replaced U9850 and replaced the LCD flex cable with a new one and tested the board with another full assembly...
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    820-00928 No post

    Got a strange one here. Board is in excellent shape, with no signs of corrosion or damage anywhere. When you try and turn it on, you hear it chime very faintly, and then it just keeps chiming over and over again and never turns on. Nothing on the screen and cap lock does not react. CPU VCORE is...
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    820-00928 No power, 20v 370ma

    This board had some minor corrosion on the back side of the board near the LCD connector, but the LCD connector itself is clean. Original issue was a short on PPBUS, which I cleared by replacing C7395. Then when I tried to turn it on, it was taking 20v 1.8amp without the battery and was not...
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    820-01987 low voltage on PP3V3_G3H

    Hello. I got this 820-01987 board in that was pretty badly liquid damaged. Most of the damage was around the backlight circuit and CD3217's. The board was originally stuck on 5v and PPBUS_G3H was only 0.7v and 0.068 in diode mode. I removed C6456 and the diode mode value on PPBUS went up to...
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    820-01700 external monitor not working in recovery mode

    I got this 16" MacBook pro in with minor liquid damage and no power. The liquid damage was on the LCD connector on the screen side and it had a partial short on PP3V3_S5. I replaced U9850 and that fixed the short on PP3V3_S5 and the board turns on and boots to the OS using an external monitor...
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    820-00928 TouchID issue after U3900 replacement

    Hello. I have a 820-00928 board that had liquid damage around U4200, U3900 area and PPBUS was shorted to ground inside the board under Q3501. I was able to dig the short out and replaced Q3501. I cleaned and replaced a bunch of corroded resistors around U4200 also and the board turned on and...
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    820-01598 No power, PP1V8_SLPS2R low

    This board was liquid damaged but not very badly. Some corrosion around U6903 and PP3V3_G3H_RTC was shorted to ground. I removed U6903 but it was still shorted so I injected voltage and found U7800 was getting hot. I removed U7800 and the short was gone. I replaced both U6903 and U7800 from the...
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    820-01700 Liquid damaged, no power

    Hello. I have a 820-01700 board that had minor corrosion on a bunch of areas of the board, mostly on the back side around the edges. I cleaned the corroded areas and replaced a few resistors and caps along the way. PPBUS_G3H was shorted to ground and I found the short was caused by either C6452...
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    820-00928 Intermittent SSD issues

    I have this board that was severely liquid damaged around U7800 and the trackpad connector was burnt. I replaced U7800 and the components around it and also had to dig out a short on PPBUS in the board by the trackpad connector. I cleared the short and replaced the trackpad connector and ran...
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    820-00923 Liquid damage on touchbar connector, won't post

    I actually have 2 of these 820-00923 boards that have the same issue. Both had the same initial damage, liquid damage on J4402 and pins 22 and 20 melted and damaged the board in that area and the touchbar cable. The rest of board looks completely clean. I checked and there is no short on either...