Hello. I got this 820-01987 board in that was pretty badly liquid damaged. Most of the damage was around the backlight circuit and CD3217's. The board was originally stuck on 5v and PPBUS_G3H was only 0.7v and 0.068 in diode mode. I removed C6456 and the diode mode value on PPBUS went up to 0.410 and now I get 12.3v, but still 5v on amp meter. PP3V3_G3H_RTC was 0v, so I replaced U6903 and had to replace U3100 also and that got me 20v back, but no amps. Now PP3V3_G3H_RTC is 3.3v, but PP3V3_G3H is only 0.9v, but seems to have the correct diode mode value of 0.398. I found small amount of corrosion around Q7680, so I replaced that chip and U7650 at the same time, but still have only 0.9v on PP3V3_G3H. Any idea what else could be causing this or what else to check?