00426 shuts down with Trackpad plugged in


This was working fine. Then shut down and wouldn't stay on. i realized it will only stay on with trackpad unplugged. I tried replacing Trackpad and the TP cable. Replaced U4850. Then noticed something pulling down SMC ON_OFF when trackpad plugged in. Removed C4810. Checked R4810 and R5170. Replaced U5110 and the SMC. It still shuts down after about 8 seconds and restarts UNLESS I unplug the trackpad.


Staff member
What is actual SMC_ONOFF_L level, w/ and w/o trackpad connected?
Why did you replece mentioned components, if the problem appeared ONLY with trackpad connected?


I tried at least 3 new batteries and a used original but then realized SMC_ON_OFF was being pulled down. However, I just realized that something I changed of the previous fixed the SMC_ON_OFF issue and in addition a new battery has now solved it from rebooting.