2014 Mac Mini "Pin lock" - removal required (genuine ownership)

Paul Daniels

Super Moderator
Have a Macmini 2014 model (with the beloved T6 security torx), comes up with a 6-digit pin lock with Apple logo.

This unit is from an e-waste recycling centre that I normally do a lot of work for, so I'm assuming valid ownership.

I've cloned the 64MBit chip that's on the top side of the PCB after removing the fan unit, and replaced the 4-bytes $SVS with zero byte values but the lock persists.

I'm assuming I've misinterpreted information I read elsewhere, or that this lock is not in fact in the chip that I modified (I still have the original chip, unmodified).

*EDIT: If you'd prefer to have a copy of the ROM image and do the mod/fix directly, I have that available.

Click image for larger version  Name:	68401806_1272239266277871_4733550458411417600_n.jpg Views:	1 Size:	148.9 KB ID:	51365
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Staff member
1. Take out disk and wipe it blank.
2. Remove and reflash bios with clean one.
3. Reinstall Bios chip and blank disk.
4. Switch on mac and do PRAM reset immediately.
5. Reinstall clean OS.
6. Done.


yep, do it again Paul, you must do PRAM RESET after you did the bios, then boot to USB installer and format the drive then reinstall osx.

Paul Daniels

Super Moderator
Thank you ( also thank you to piernov who also dropped some useful information to me too ).

I'll give that a run today and see how it goes.