820-000163 sudden death


New member
Ok, so the SMC_ONOFF_L line reads 3.42v and it drops to 0.41v after pressing PWR button, PP3V3_S5 is present just like PP3V3_SUS but PP3V3_S4 is missing because Q8002 is not getting S4_PWR_EN, and this is because U8170 is not getting PM_SLP_S5_L which is generated by PCH and SMC_S4_WAKESRC_EN generated by SMC


Staff member
Don't you get a pulse at PM_SLP_S5_L when trigger SMC_ONOFF_L?
Also check if PM_PWRBTN_L pulses at same time.
PM_RSMRST_L should stay high all the time.


New member
There is no pulse at PM_SLP_S5_L at all, I do have a pulse at PM_PWRBTN_L, it seats at 3.44v and it goes down to 0.14v after PWR button trigger, PM_RSMRST_L reads 3.04v


Staff member
Then is something related with PCH, as SMC reacts correctly.
If you connect only one of mentioned devices, board starts correctly?


New member
No, in cold state if WLAN or touchpad or both at once are connected it doesnt work, only if the machine is wormed up then it does, it also works in cold state, only when both devices are disconnected


Staff member
Connect WLAN and remove L3505.
Test if starts on cold state.

Similar test for trackpad, removing L4803.
You can try changing Q8000 directly.
At least check Q8000/02 voltages and their traces and surrounding components.


New member
tried connecting trackpad and WLAN withut inductors and it works fine also checked voltages around these FETs mentioned above and everything looks fine but with WLAN or trackpad (with inductors) Q8002 is not getting S4_PER_EN, therefore no PP3V3_S4