820-00045 USB-C not working


Hello, i have a 820-00045 with initial had charging issues, found short c7131, replaced and device turns on now.
Charging still have some issues where only 1 side is able to charge. i replaced u4520 and now it works both side (actually i tested with chip removed and that works so no idea how u4520 prevented charging on 1 side)

now i have new issues, my USB-C is not getting power from the board so accessories don't work. i replaced u4400 and now it works on 1 side, still doesn't work on the other side. the thing is i don't know which usb pair is working, E85 N/P pair or USB Extra N/P pair. if replacing u4400 works my guess is USB extra pair works, which IC controls the other pair?


Staff member
CC1/2 lines detect and configure the charger.

Did you try another USB-C flex/connector?
Remove and inspect connector pins.
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replaced the pin and still the same. measured using a usb C breakout board and diode readings are good.


update. i manage to fix this. So keypoint is that it USB C works 1 side and not the other. U7860 was the culprit. for the others if USB not detected, check u4520 and u4400. u7860 and u7865 for the flip side.


New member
Hi everybody ! Where does U7860 & U7865 uses ? I have the same problem, but don't have another motherboard 820-00045