820-00164 SMC_RESET_L issue.


New member
Now my PPBUS is 16 volts and SMC reset L is 0 lmao. I can fix the 16 volts problem, but I have no idea on this SMC_RESET issue.


New member
Replaced all fets and ISL and still 16 volts lol I'm calling this a rabbit hole. I do wonder what your input is tho on what could be causing the RESET_L issue my guess is there is an internal short near the ISL causing the PPBUS voltage to go crazy and causing the SMC_RESET_L signal to get screwed up. That's my best guess.


New member
Without R7100, I still get 0 volts on SMC_RESET_L exact same resistance measurements. Would this not have to be internal to the board at this point? Especially since I’ve replace the SMC, U5110, ISL etc? JTAG was removed too so it’s not an issue


2K is too low as there is only a 100K pull up. Only thing to do is to remove everything that is on the SMC_RESET line till the 2K goes away.


I know this is an old thread, but I am trying to make sense of it. is pin 8 input or output, created by the SMC or u5110? Based on the comment, connect pin 1 to 8 implies pin 8 is output on u5110, Is that correct? If that is the case, would the SMC be pulling it down to .89 volts?