820-001700 no power

Hey I am problems with a 820-01700 board.

Came in no power found that PP3v3_g3h_ssd0_sns was shorted. Found the short at c9500. removed and system booted. Amp meter on the charging port was reading 20v at 70amps and not charging so immediately I knew there was a problem. Took it down and did some testing on dcin and ppbus_g3h and they were normal. I suspect that now i have fully burnt out something because I am now only getting 5v 0.01amps from the amp meter and no power again.

DCIN- 5v
PPBUS_g3H- 0.6v

Did the CD chip get fried? or may was it already on its way out with that high ampage? Can someone tell me what lines I should start checking to get this sorted? I dont think it should be too major because the system was booting after i cleared that SSD short


Staff member
PPBUS_G3H should appear even with only 5V USB-C input voltage.
Post diode mode to ground first.
If low, compare with the readings on all big coils.
okay i was looking at the diagram for ppbus_g3h as it is missing . I see dc in goes into the mosfet q7030 and is output as the gates which go to isl u7000. Just to see i changed the mosfets but still no output on the gates. I see these gates run to u7000, could it be u7000 causing the lines to drop?

which lines do you need diode readings for?