820-00239 no power


New member
This board has no liquid damage at all .
the PPBUS-G3H was 0 v and shorting to ground .
i found that U7210 was very hot when i injected 5v .
took the U7210 then no more short At PPBUS.
solderd new U7210 now I get 13.05 v at PPBUS with charger only
and 13.01 with battery.
pp3v3_g3h 3.410

no image on screen or external monitor .
cpu is hot when press the power button , get light on USB data cable .
did I miss any pin with soldering U7210 !!


New member
Did PRAM nothing change .
cpu just warm bit even left for long time still not hot
fans never spin after awhile .
as I mentioned when plus the charger the ring sound
never there .
is there any pin need to check on the U7210 which I replaced .


New member
When I disconnect the touchpad cable from board the fans
start spin loud obviously because touchpad not connected
but that’s mean board turns on !!!
cpu cold