Arrived with no liquid damage with PPBUS_G3H shorted. U1100 was shorted. Replaced U1100, PPBUS_G3H was no longer shorted and had boot current over 2 amps for a few seconds before C8010 burned and smoked. Replaced but now board is at 20v 0 amp draw. PPBUS_G3H was shorted again from shorted u7900. Replaced U7900 PPBUS short gone again but still 20v 0 amps. ALL_SYS_PWRGD and PM_RSMRST_L 0V. SMC_PM_G2_EN 3.3V so replaced U7800 but no change
Already cleaned ME region from PCH replacement.
What should be checked next?
Already cleaned ME region from PCH replacement.
What should be checked next?