
Mac Tech

Greetings to all.

This machine does not have pp3v3_s5.

Voltajes en U7600

Pin 12: PM_EN_FET_P12V_S5_SSD (3.41V)
Pin 24: PM_EN_REG_P5V_S4_R (0.00)
PIN 17: PP12V_S5_FET_P3V3_S5_P5V_S4 (12.0V)
PIN 4 y 5: 0V

Pin 5 y 4 it's an LDO which is generated by the same u7600.

I changed it a couple of times and nothing.

I know I must have that LDO first.

no shorts on L7610 or L7650.


Staff member
Check diode mode to ground on LDO5 and its coils.
Be sure to get good solders and check all traces too.


Staff member
Check solders, traces and all U7600 surrounding components.
Be sure to use "C" version of the chip (ISL62383C),

Mac Tech

Solved, I made a mistake. Pin 12 PM_EN_FET_P12V_S5_SSD had no voltage, let me be guided by the voltage that reaches R7698 PM_EN_FET_P12V_S5_SSD. I thought that this entered pin 12 of the u7600 and it is not.

Analyzing well who arrives at that pin 12 is PM_PGOOF_FET_P12V_S5_SSD_K that comes from the u8490. Heat it up a bit and you're good to go.

Thank you. Apologies.

Thank you @2informaticos