820-00840 - No power. PPBUS_G3H 3.76V

Have this board that originally wasn't switch from 5v to 20v on PPDCIN_G3H. Troubleshot it down to U7000, replaced and PPDCIN_G3H now goes to 20v but no current draw. PPBUS_G3H is reading 3.76v. Any suggestions on where to go next?
P_IN - 20.5v
AUX_DET - 5.1v
SMC_RST_IN - 0.0v
VDDA - 5.1v
VDDP - 5.1v
EN_VR1 - 5.1v
SMC_RST* - 3.4v
AUX_OK - 3.4v
AMON - 0.0v (battery not connected)
BMON - 0.0v (battery not connected)
SMBUS_BATT_SCL - 0.484/3.3v
SMBUS_BATT_SDA - 0.609/3.3v

Only info give was it failed due to static electricity. From what i guard, they may have been trying to replace the ssd card when this occurred.
Same measurement. Though, D6950 did appear blown, has a hole through it. Went ahead and replaced it. Wondering if the smc was affected as well?