820-00850 20V 0.06A-0.75A loop


Heavy liquid damage.
Client need data only.

Melted L8504 and display connected on display side.
Liquid damage on J5100, J3300, J6640, C6481 area, U7210, U7410, D3370 area.

With battery connected it take up to 2.2A and fans spin for short time on high rpm and then stop. And doing that every 10 seconds.
Connected ext display and there is signal (no Apple logo) for short time. After a few loops no fan spin, no reboots, on ext display backlight only - CPU get hot.

L7430/20/20 got 0V
L7210 got 0.85V
L7220 got 0.84V

Where to start?
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Staff member
0.84V is not good; should drop to 0.6V aprox, when board really boots.

Looks like CPU internal damage, caused by liquid spill on its power supplies.