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After the board went through the UC, it actually looked great. Obviously something is bad but all the liquid damage appears to be at the DC end of the board
Yeah that's quite a bit of liquid damage. Do you get 5 volts on DC in for both ports currently? How do the chargeports look currently badly burned or OK?
PP3v3_G3H isn't present on charger (expected) or on battery. Both show 0.0v
Its near on impossible for me to test around U6990 on battery but on the charger I get 5.2v on D6905 pin 2 5.1v on pin 3
On D6990, I get 5.1v on pin 2 but 0.0v on pin 10 enable.
PP3V3_G3H enable comes from U7000.
As SMC requires this voltage, problem should be on U7000 area, not on USB-C controllers, nor SMC.
Cannot have communication between them, without PP3V3_G3H.
Pin 27 on U7000 is a direct connection to Pin 2 of R6991 from what I can tell.
As I'm not getting anything on R6991 I wanted to look at U7000 to see if it is even getting the voltages it needs, but I'm not good enough at understanding the schematic just yet.
Could someone better than me let me know what voltages I need around U7000 to feed U7000 please. That way I can see if it needs replacing or its something feeding it thats is the issue.