Mac Tech
Hello, greetings to all.
This plate got liquid on it.
The problem is that it does not recognize the battery, it only turns on with the charger.
When connecting the battery the voltage on ppbus_g3h is 12.28V.
SDA line 0v
SCL line 0v
When only the charger is connected without the battery connected, the voltages return to 3.3v in both SDA and SCL.
It has already been tested with another battery and flex from another functional machine.
This plate got liquid on it.
The problem is that it does not recognize the battery, it only turns on with the charger.
When connecting the battery the voltage on ppbus_g3h is 12.28V.
SDA line 0v
SCL line 0v
When only the charger is connected without the battery connected, the voltages return to 3.3v in both SDA and SCL.
It has already been tested with another battery and flex from another functional machine.