820-00928 stuck on 5V


New member
hello guys , have got 820-00928 that's stuck on 5V. have got PP3V42 including PP3V3_UPC_XB_LDO, my SMC_RESET_L is high , all the i2c lines are high as well , I don't have a short to ground , the machine was not liquid damage . I have the PP1V8_UPC_XA_LDOD , I would like to know what else do I need for me to get 20V output or do I need to replace the whole CD3215? again at what point is it oaky to actually replace the CD3215, what must be present


Staff member
First check BUF_SMC_RESET_L.
If OK, compare diode mode readings on power rails of all CD3215 chips.

Any voltage at F7000?
Check diode mode there too...


New member
BUF_SMC_RESET_L is present at 3.3V , and F7000 is about 0.02V am now checking on the diode measurements


New member
have got a quick question, is it possible to have a failure on a line that's already has it preset value ? for example , am comparing diode mode to ground on the power rails of the CD3215 even though these where present , so does that mean their presence does not suggest the lines being okay ? please explain to me


Staff member
Readings on similar rails of all CD3215 chips must be almost equals.
Even if you get expected voltage, bad reading can be clue for internal problem.


New member
thank you for the explanation.I compared the diode mode readings to a working board and they match,


Staff member
Do you get similar values between all chips of non-working board?
Same I/V behaviour an all USB-C ports?


Staff member
Could be CD3215, or even SMC issue.
Try replacing CD3215 chips one by one; same code termination, of course.