820-00928 stuck on 5v

Both PM_RSMRST_L and PM_PWRBTN_L are 0v. Then when I trigger SMC_ONOFF_L, PM_RSMRST_L has no reaction, but PM_PWRBTN_L goes up to 3.3v for about 3-5 seconds and then drops to 0v again.
Ok I started working on this again. I checked and was not getting any pulse on PM_SLP_SUS_L, but I had my doubts it was a PCH issue. I removed U7000 again and checked diode mode values on all the pads and compared them to a good board. I noticed pad 6 and 31 were higher than normal. I replaced Q7030 and Q7040, and the diode mode values now match my good board, but still only get 5v on the charger. I connected the battery again and still have 20v 0 amp draw. Checked for a pulse at PM_SLP_SUS_L again and this time it does go to 3.3v and stays like that. PM_RSMRST_L also goes high and I noticed the CPU was getting warm, as if the board was turning on, and CPUVCORE voltage was preset at .6v. I put the board back in the case and connected everything and when you open the lid, nothing happens, but if I hit the power button, it actually turns on and boots. Left fan is spinning at high speed, but right fan is normal. Diagnostic mode reports there may be an issue with the fan, but nothing else. If I connect the charger, it does not charge or recognize the charger on any port. I also noticed that USB devices are not recognized at all either when connected to any of the ports. The light on the USB does not even turn on.
I fixed the left fan issue. Q6000 was ripped off the board and pad 2 was gone. I ran a jumper and replaced the chip and now both fans run normal. Also it does turn on when you open the lid or press the power button. Still have issues with USB ports and charging. I noticed SMC_USBC_INT_L is 0v and R3038 is good.
I figured it out. SMC_USBC_INT_L need to be high and it was 0v. Looking over the points on the board that signal goes too, I noticed a small amount of corrosion on the pads for JB200. I cleaned the pads with new solder and now SMC_USBC_INT_L is 3.3v and the board turns on using just the charger. I guess the corrosion there was shorting that signal somehow, even though it did not show a short. USB devices now works also on all 4 ports also. Thanks for the help.


New member
i also have same board no 20v boost , the 5v not stable , amp meter show 5v and 0 , its happening repeat, same issue 2 boards