
board came in with no power not drawing anything on usb monitor. opened up and UB300 was all wavy/bubbly. replaced it and now that side draws 5v .25amps. the other side draws 20v and ramps up to .3amps then resets once and finally goes to 0amps. first time working on one that chip replacement didn't fix it so help would be appreciated.

I know that you need 3v3 in to turn the chip on, which i have. after that i need help.


Staff member
Compare diode mode readings between left/right USB-C ports.
Be sure to get 1V1 LDO on each chip.

Test the board with known good battery connected; w/ and w/o charger connected.
only difference was on pin 31/33. on the 20v side diode reading was .309 on 5v side was .9

so that pin goes to u3000, i changed it and still same reading.

do you want all the readings?

second question is this the 1v1 lDO: PP1v1_UPC_XA_LDO_BMC if so i'm not getting 1.1v on any of these lines i'm getting only .006v
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Staff member
Be aware, 1V1 LDO must appear only on the powered port.

Check the traces of TBT ROM on the affected area.
i took the tbt rom off the good side and it read fine. then took it off on the bad side and its not reading. xgpro says unknown chip. i've double checked the soldering job and wires. so i'm assuming this is the issue.

i want to make sure this is the correct chip off digikey. once it comes i'm assuming i have to copy over the bin file from the good chip. correct?
