820-01521 - Missing PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC - 5V 0.236amp


I tough it may be useful for everyone with the same problem.
This line is created by TB ROM (U2890) this IC has its own firmware.

All LDOs on the CD32 ON, except PP1V1_UPC_XB_LDO_BMC

I've replaced both USB-C controllers 2 times,
ISL9240HI (U7000),
W25Q80DVUXIE (U2890),
R2802 resistor,
TPS51980A (U7650).
All replaced and same results.

Resistor R2802 had 3.29V on one side 1 - PP3V3_UPC_XB_LDO and 0.62V on side 2 - TBT_X_SPI_MISO. The resistor is ok.
So, the other side of the resistor was missing TBT_X_SPI_MISO (3.29V) and this line is created by TBT Titan Ridge - Thunderbolt™ 3 Controllers (U2800).

After replacing this big IC it started to get 20V and 2.2Amp, but cycling.
It was probably because I don't have the correct stencil to re-ball it and solder it properly. When removing it I heard a pop sound.

I need the Stencil for this IC that I bought from China.

I will come back later to post my findings.


Staff member
"This line is created by TB ROM (U2890) this IC has its own firmware."
Error, this LDO comes from U3200.
In fact, only connects with C3204; for stability purpose.
Is only used internally by U3200, for BMC communication with charger.

BTW, 1V1 LDO_BMC must appear only on the CD3215 chip corresponding to the powered port.
Corrupted TBT ROM (U2890) can impide CD3215 chips to boot correctly.
Then none of them generates 1V1_LDO.

TBT_X_SPI_MISO voltage comes from PP3V3_UPC_XB_LDO, trough R2892 (pull-up resistor).
Is a SPI data line and can't be diagnosed only be a DC voltage.
If no activity on that SPI bus, it should stay high to 3V.
Damaged chip connected to it, can drop the voltage; U2800 in your case.

Machine should boot without U2800, but may have problems with USB communication.
TBT function will be lost, of course.

You've followed a good repair way, but try to avoid wrong assumptions...
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Thanks for your correction of my assumption.
I'm still a beginner and learning a lot with you.
It will improve my skills in future repairs and help more people with this issue.