820-01700 A2141 ppbus 12,3v


Reflashing of TBT Rom's did nothing...

The CD3217 are the original ones they are untouched! Maybe I can just compare in diode mode all pins of cd3217 with good board, I don't have to change all cd3217?!


Staff member
Check UPC_I2C_INT_L.
Also check the pull-up resistors on the corresponding bus (page 51).
Be sure to get correct voltage and diode mode to ground on both SCL/SDA lines.


Ok, weird enough all diode mode readings look good. But when I check voltage I see some weird stuff.

I checked UPC_I2C_INT_L 0v
R5246 1=1.8v 2=0v
R5200 1=1.8v 2=1,4v
R5201 1=1.8v 2=1,1v

On working board all voltages are 1.8v So looks like something is pulling them down. How can I find out what is?

I'm guessing one of the CD3217's... But which one?
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So actually what I see is
R5200 is connected to other resistor R3021 and RB241.
R3021 is the going to U3100 & U3200.
RB241 is going to UB300 & UB400.

same for R5201 is connected to other resistor R3025 and RB242.
R3025 is the going to U3100 & U3200.
RB242 is going to UB300 & UB400.

Is it possible that disconnect R3021 and R3025 that will isolate U3100&U3200. Maybe if the voltages to R5200 & R5201 will come back, at least I'll know which side the problem will be? Or do you think there is another way... or this won't work


Staff member
T2 MUST talk with U3100/200 and UB300/400; you can't isolate SCL/SDA lines.

If one CD3217 pulls down UPC_I2C_INT_L, will still keep it low if you separate its SCL/SDA lines from that bus.
Unfortunatelly, there's no way to isolate UPC_I2C_INT_L from a single CD3217 chip.
You should compare diode mode readings around all CD3217 chips and also on J3300 and JB500.
S-UEM2 tester can help you...


I tested all four CD3217 chips with diode mode... Every single point on them! (Hell of a job!) All 4 are same as know good board.

What I noticed is that UPC_I2C_INT_L is 13 Ohm to ground when power is connected. So It looks like is being pulled down. When I look with thermal imager only thing which gets a little bit hot 29degrees is T2 chip.

When I got 1 CD3217 chip off, R5246,R5200 &R5201 Got back to 1.8v! I got 4 working CD3217 from a donor a2141and TBT rom's. Changed all , but still same...

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Staff member
"UPC_I2C_INT_L is 13 Ohm to ground when power is connected."
Checking ohm scale, or diode mode with power applied to the board???
Oh god; PLEASE stop doing that!

Just an idea; try removing CD3217 chips one by one.
Check when/if UPC_I2C_INT_L goes high.
Input can't switch to 20V if one CD3217 chip is missing, but may help to locate the channel which pulls down the signal.


I tested while one chip was removed and then got 20v on the other side. And UPC_I2C_INT_L was high... But doesn't this mean there is no communication between the chips. That's why it's not getting pulled down. I'm thinking as soon as the communication begins it's getting pulled down. With only 3 chips there is no COM.

I followed the link @tcampell34 https://logi.wiki/index.php/CD3217_and_T2_Power_on_Sequence#820-001700_CD3217_Compatibility_issues Where is said to change all CD3217 and TBT rom...

But still same... I'm running out of ideas


Staff member
Put back that chip and remove another; from the other board side.
Check if same thing happens.

That is an interrupt request and can be activated (0V) at any moment.


Staff member
If any CD3215 detects a problem on its area, will pull down the signal; no matters there is communication (or not) on the corresponding bus.


Wauwww, After months I the closet. I have an update... I flashed the T2 rom file just a hell Mary and connected on a battery with a charge in it and it is recognized as in DFU. After DFU restore I got an Apple logo.

Because it won't charge I can't complete the setup, to check for further problems (if any)

So looks like it will work on battery but now it won't charge.

PPBUS_G3H with battery is 11.3V
PPBUS_G3H without battery is 12,3V

Amp meter on all ports 20v 0.100a with no batt connected
Amp meter on all ports 20v 0.030a with batt connected.

I have a working 820-01700 But don't now where to start comparing...

Feel like im olmost there
hey bravo i have the same problem: what t2 rom have you flashed? thanks