Trying to attempt a data recovery a 820-01700 board. The original board had a deep internal short on PPBUS_G3h but SSD power rails were not shorted.
I transplanted the T2 chip T2 rom and all of the NANDs to a working board. During DFU revive the first two attempts the screen came on with apple
Logo and progress bar but always failed with DFU error 9.
When trying to do a DFU revive now the fans spin normally for several seconds but then suddenly spin very fast and nothing ever comes up on the screen now ending with the same DFU error 9.
Is there anything else to check or try or is it more likely one of the NANDs is bad now and data is not recoverable
I transplanted the T2 chip T2 rom and all of the NANDs to a working board. During DFU revive the first two attempts the screen came on with apple
Logo and progress bar but always failed with DFU error 9.
When trying to do a DFU revive now the fans spin normally for several seconds but then suddenly spin very fast and nothing ever comes up on the screen now ending with the same DFU error 9.
Is there anything else to check or try or is it more likely one of the NANDs is bad now and data is not recoverable