820-01958 A2179 no power


This board came with no liquid damage. It was stuck at 5V. Noticed a short on the PP1V1_S3 it was coming right from U2300 ddr chip.
When I removed the shorted chip the short was gone, I had to replace both of them as it was Micron 8GB ddr and I had only Hynix 8GB ddr known working donnour.

I did the replacement and adapted the strap resistor accordingly with Hynix set up, so I added RAMCFG0_L (R1490) and RAMCFG1_L (R1491).
Board is now charging and negotiating 20V. but it is stuck at 100mA and I noticed PP3V3_S5 is missing bu not shorted (0.320 diode mode).

PP3V3_G3H, PP5V_G3S, PP3V3_G3H_RTC are present.
All voltage on coils at u7800 are present except L7821 L7822 L7820 an L7819.

Is there something to check before blaming U7800?



I just checked and compared. Diode mode on L7819 and L7820 is 0.474 and 0.457 on L7821 and L7822.
Values compare perfectly with good board :unsure:


On the working donnour board, even without the 2 ddr chips I notice voltage on L7819-20-21-22. PP3V3_S5 of course present.

On the faulty board, I have the idea to replace U7800 because it outputs PP3V3_S5 but I don’t have a strong reason to assume it is faulty. As it maybe just need to satisfy some conditions to output PP3V3_S5. If no other suggestion I can just replace it and see from there.


Staff member
Did you test removing R1490/1.
1 1 straps means high level on both.
Adding mentioned resistors, you've pulled them down to 0V.


Yes i tried removing them but nothing change.
With original shorted chips 8GB Micron, straps conf are1 1 so R1490 and R1491 were no stuff on the board.
With Hynix chip 8GB, strap conf for CFG1 CFG0 according to the chart in page 3 of schematic are 0 0, witch means to me signal low asserted so I added mentionned resistors to pull signals down to 0V.


Staff member
Ah OK, original was Micron.

The RAM chip got burnt because an overvoltage.
That probably damaged CPU also...