820-02016 left speaker issues

Sr. Robot

Hi, got an 820-02016 with bad sound on left speaker.

Tried 2 other speakers, no change.

SPKRAMP_A_OUTP, SPKR_ID0, SPKRAMP_A_OUTN diode mode test the same as good board.

Replaced UR600 just in case, no change.
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Staff member
You may have problems with UR900/10.
Compare diode mode readings with UR930/40 area.

Be sure all series resistors are good.
Don't forget RR600.

Sr. Robot

TDM_1V8_SPKRAMP_L_FSYNC and TDM_1V8_SPKRAMP_L_R2D_R were testing low so i replaced UR900, after replacing they tested good but still no change in sound.

Diode mode readings on UR930/40 area test the same as good board. Series resistors test good including RR600.


Staff member
I didn't say to compare UR930/40 area with good board.
As right channel works good, you can take that area as reference and compare with UR900/10; I didn't know that you have a good board in stock, for comparison.

You may have a CPU problem...