820-02098 a2442 5v


Back again. This machine is extremely liquid damaged and has me confused as i am still new to it.
Board got 5v and 0.3a
These are the lines that are shorted or low diode mode reading
Pp3v8_aon 0.120
Originally was shorted to ground but took off ur630 and thats the new reading
Pp5v_s2_main - 0.049
I have taken some chips off but it never changed also injecting voltage seems useless as it barely takes any amps


Staff member
These are not pure short, but clearly lower readings than expected.
Voltage injection requires a performant IR cam, which can detect very small temperature differences.
Even then, you will probably remove some unnecessary chips.


Fair enough, i have been removing chips with no change, so will continue to do as i would have to remove alot of these chips and replace them due to liquid damage. Do you know the purpose of u5000, it just says secure element but i would like to know its purpose


Ah thats why the pinout says nfc, wait for starters i really appreciate your time for telling me that, i just realized i could have google the chip number. Well wish me luck for this machine


Not sure if i need to make another post for this but
I have another board that came in as well. It goes to 19v and about 0.21a and then the meter reboots. What weird is that it does it slowly like 5v then 15v and then 19v or it will have like 7v and 9v including in that process. Not sure if that matters
So i am not good at reading or understanding schematics yet but what is the power sequence for these devices and where do i find it in the schematic.
Also some voltages
Pp aon - 12.33 ( sometimes drops to 12.04 but both remain stable)
Pp3v8 aon- 3.8
Pp5v_s2 - 5.1
Pp1v8_awake- 1.79
Pp3v3 aon- 3.3
Also liquid damaged machine