820-02382-A A2485 MBP 2021 M1 no power


New member
I have a client that let me a MPB M1 with those specs to repair :
16' 512 Go
SSD 32 Go RAM Puce M1 MAX CPU 10 cores
GPU 24 Cores

It is the first M1 model I think ( I am in town right now not close to the mac)
The problem is that it does not boot (maybe the battery is empty and not willing to charge or nand ssd dead or power chip dead ?)
I plugged an usb C metter in it and it only display 5v 1A, I conclude that there is no boost (the cable is working on my personnal mac)
I gess that after seing this that there is a problem with the usb C chips But firstly I don't know where to test any power rails ... I don't get it where the power rail is ? should there be 20v on
I guess JF60 is usb C connectors FCC receptacle.
on the shematics I see this but I don't know where I should test for 20v. I would also like to inject 20v in the usb C power rail so that this MBP boots up and charges it's battery. To get the data back in a hurry ! (I need data back fast at the end of the day !! ) and then proceed to the USB chip repair at the end of the data recovery.

So where can I inject power to get this to boot ?
Thanks to Louis and his team for the devotion and great mood you bring to this repair and fair consuming comunity ! ♥︎♥︎

(if this post needs improving or reformating I will be happy to edit and reply to your requests)



Staff member
First of all, welcome to the forum!

"I would also like to inject 20v in the usb C power rail so that this MBP boots up"
Do NOT try that!!!

What is actual PPBUS_AON voltage?
If no present, check diode mode to ground on it; any power removed, of course.


New member
Hi dear 2informaticos I mesured and those are the results :
On the white fuse with F5200 "12" written on it, I mesure 12.33v when the charger is connected and 12.0 v when disconected.
Can we conclude that the USB C negociation chip needs replacement ?
Here are some picture at your disposal to confirm what I wrote.


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New member
In the videos I saw, from louis or such, the motherboard is always removed from the casing and isolated from any auxiliatry device. Like speakers and keyboard are detached. Should I isolate the MOBO to remove the battery power as you mentionned ? And have better access to the rear ?
(edit : I just disconnected battery data cable and battery power connector and mesured PPBUS_AON again, on the fuse. Without battery it is 2.06v and drops quickly. With battery it is also 12.33v as before. interesting :)

@2informaticos I just edited my reply :) Thanks a lot for your kind help and the knowledge you bring to us.
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New member
I don't know yet. As it is soon 1h00 in the morning in France I will check it tomorow, I searched for it 15 seconds but I was unable to find It.
It may be on the back of the mobo ? Thanks again for your great help in this adventure 2informaticos. I guess as I saw on other posts you will have a look at https://openboarddata.org/ next ?


Staff member
I saw you already worked with a boardview.
From which board?
If corresponds, that is your board...
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New member
You'r absolutly right. I worked with the openboard view software.
I guessed that there is only one M1 2021 mobo model in the 16 inch version.
I downloaded the file 820-02382/820-02382.bvr

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 14.40.22.png
As I used it to mesure "PPBUS_AON" on the fuse I guess so far it is the right one.

One day after the mesures I removed the MOBO from the casing to read the motherbaord number.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-28 at 14.45.15.jpeg

I just found after that that it was just writen in front of me next to the battery connector 🥹😰 (there was absolutly no need to remove the motherbaord.) But anyway. It will be usefull for next steps.
Here it is @2informaticos 820-02382-A

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-28 at 14.36.35.jpeg
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Staff member
With charger alone, PPBUS_AON should be present.

As the board is removed from the case, test it out.
Just remove and connect the USB-C ports on it.

5V/1A is high too much, if no PPBUS_AON present.
So post basic U5200 voltage (no battery connected): P_IN, AUX_DET, SMC_RST_IN, VDDA/P, EN_MVR, AUX_OK, A/BMON.
Also check resistance (ohm scale) over C5220/60.


New member
Hi ! I just mesured on the resitors some Volts values.

on the U5200 chip the powers are :

P_IN (i guess it is PPDCIN AON CHGR) 5.12V
AUX_DET : 0.75V
SMC_RST_IN (i guess it is CHR_RST_IN) = 0.0V
VDDA/P (I guess you mean : PPCHGR_VDDP : 4.6V PPCHGR_VDDA : 4.5V
EN_MVR : Not found what is this ?
AUX_OK : 1.3V
Those are values in "volts mode" not voltage drop from diode mode. I don't know if I should rather mesure diode mode.
I saw that on this website a lot is writen in diode mode.


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New member
@2informaticos I can provide finances once the repair is finished up to 70 euros (or more let's see together) to thank you for your help here, where can I make a donation then ? would this fit ?
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Staff member
You can get online assistance, for faster repair process; contact via PM available.
On the forum, I can only post few replays in a day.