820-02773-A No Keyboard

Sr. Robot

Hi, got and 820-02773-A that had a what i thought was a bad keyboard (not a single key worked).

I replaced the keyboard with new one but still same issue.

I get both PP1V85_S2_KBD_ISNS and PP3V3_AON_KBD_CONN with the keyboard connected.


Staff member
Keyboard information goes to M1 through trackpad circuitry.
Possibly mismatch of KB/TP firmware; in case of new keyboard.
You should try correct set of KB/TP for this machine.

Sr. Robot

I tried the old keyboard (the one that didnt work at all) in another machine, and it worked perfectly.

The trackpad doesnt seem to have any damage at all and neither does the flex.

Everything in the machine was OEM. It is a M2 model

Thats why i believe it should be an issue with the motherboard


Staff member
Test with another TP flex/board.
If still the same, change UT101/2.
Be sure all traces and resistors in area are good first.

Sr. Robot

I dont know if it could be related but i just noticed that L5230 is getting quite hot. It only does it with the charger connected. I checked the near capacitors for shorts but there are none. CHGR_PHASE1/2 is 12.5v

I compared with an M1 model and L5230 gets a little warm but not even close.