820-2530 no PM_SLP_S3_L


New member
Got one more of these old 820-2530 boards. I have all main power rails and I have PM_SLP_S4_L. When pressing power I only get 0,78V on PM_SLP_S3_L should be 3.3 I think.

There is no short to ground and all the enable resistors and capacitors on this line is fine.

Is this bad SMC?
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New member
Both sides the same 0.106, which is what I get everywhere i measure PM_SLP_S3_L when i press the power button. It raised from 0 to 0.1V when button is pressed. One more thing i wrote the wrong value i the first post it should be 0.078-0.1V.
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New member
Shouldn't matter if the charger can handle more than 60W. If I was using a 45W charger, then it could be an issue.


No! 15" board will NOT power on from anything else than an 85W charger!

I have no more ideas about this one really, any history on this board, water?


New member
You know this is a 13 inch board? And yes it was as originally water damaged
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