
Hi iv got a 820-2530 board it?s I know but customer is happy to pay
I?m not getting green light
iv got
pp3v42_g3h present
ppus_g3 12.58 present
charger acin
charger acok
checked r7060 r7061 all ok all are present
any advise please


Staff member
First of all, check resistance to ground at L6995 (ohm scale).
If get less than 30K, MCP is probably dead.

For green light, test another Magsafe board.
Post U6900/01 voltages and check continuity from U6900 to Magsafe central pin.
U6900 pin one is 3.4v
tested second MagSafe still the same this is good MagSafe
l6995 ohm I get reading of 5.322 k on my multimeter
u6900 pin 5 there is continuity to MagSafe central pin


Staff member
You didn't post voltage for pins 4 & 5 of U6900.
You may get Magsafe light at the end, but such low value on 3V42 rail makes me believe you are wasting the time...