820-2879 board, ppbus_g3hot 12.6v then goes down to 6 and get back again


last 2 hrs working on it no luck... still same, ppbus getting 12v stay there 3 sec then it goes down to5v and come back again,, also i notice r7086 pin goes to 6v stay 2 sec, then goes back to 15v
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i already remove , F7040, thats the first thing i did, also chk resistance, open line between c7020 and c7050,... resistance between 2 pic c7020 is 20 ohm, c7050 3 ohm


r7005 is 20 ohm, put new isl still sale problem !!! any help from any one ?????????

I asked you a question before, do you have the same problem if you connect the battery? (battery alone and with charger as well)

PS: still waiting for your resistance measurement about 820 2850 thanks


board turn on now.... fan spin regular speed, no doooooooong or it does not boot... even with external monitor no video..... when i turns it on front led of mac keep on.... sorry about my bad English