Hi, I have a board that has a short on pp3v42_g3h line it’s .14v in diode mode
This is what I have done so far I remove the isl, replaced both usb controllers that were shorting 5v line. I still have a short on 3.42
I have .14v in between r5070 Pin1 and Pin 2 r5000 Where would be a good starting point
Gpu isn’t in short and cpu is measuring normal. Honestly I think it might be the gmux but I was avoiding that soo how difficult is it to replace gmux. I only have one gmux on a parts board ? What would be the next move ?
This is what I have done so far I remove the isl, replaced both usb controllers that were shorting 5v line. I still have a short on 3.42
I have .14v in between r5070 Pin1 and Pin 2 r5000 Where would be a good starting point
Gpu isn’t in short and cpu is measuring normal. Honestly I think it might be the gmux but I was avoiding that soo how difficult is it to replace gmux. I only have one gmux on a parts board ? What would be the next move ?
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