820-2936-B - Green light on, Fan does not spin


New member
Hi Louis / aprendiz, I check the voltage on Pin 13 and I get 3.44 V. And honestly I did not understand the 2nd question of aprendiz about Resistance to ground on PPRTC_G3H. Louis I looked at the U2800 and the PPVRTC_G3H rails and I am unable to come at a conclusion yet as to what could be wrong. I see a little corrosion by U2800 and Y2805 is a little rusted. Please help.


New member
Louis, please help. Now the green light also went off. I watch your videos but feel scared to comment. I don't know why.


Staff member

I mean this in the nicest way possible, but this requires effort on both sides. I need for you to think. You have to work with us here or this is impossible, and right now you are not thinking at all.

You said U2800 is corroded. You can see on the schematic that PPVRTC_G3H comes from U2800. You can also see on the schematic that PPVRTC_G3H on page 7/8 is 3.3v. You get 0.4v on PPVRTC_G3H.


1) PPVRTC_G3H is supposed to be 3.3v.
2) PPVRTC_G3H is 0.4v
3) U2800 creates PPVRTC_G3H.
4) U2800 is corroded & rusted looking.

I need for you to be able to take this information that we have brought to light and come to a conclusion. Even if it is wrong, some conclusion. If you can't do this, then stop until you can.

Also answer duke's question on whether PP3V42_G3H is present, and what PPBUS_G3H voltage is.
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New member
Louis, thanks for your feedback. Tomorrow I shall positively go through even step provided and get you the conclusion of what I think. Even if I am wrong I will comment because I know I have the masters to correct me if I am wrong. Thanks a million once again Louis, Duke and the whole rossmann group team. Regards and Bye for now.