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Soo i was taking of L9004 and one of the pads totaly gone burnd of stuck under l9004 so iam thinking that i need to run a wire to fix this i have order wire its coming next week
i took off l9004 and put on new other one but nothing olso the screen is totaly black now so i think i have to wait for the wire
Without L9004 there should be a white screen with backlight. So if there is nothing now the screen is not recognized. Either bad cable or something got damaged. C9010 3V present? Check if cable properly plugged in and try with the old cable to see if backlight comes back.
Hi i checkt the cable and cable is bad 1 pin was twisted so i have order new cables i have to wait for that all my other cables ar olso bad ... but i have still nothing on c9015 no volt
and i have still repair L9004 the path under it is gone ??
First check pins 1-7 of they have continuity to the LCD to ensure connector/cable are good. Then check if LCD_IG_PWR_EN comes high with the screen connected.