820-3115-B - Need to hold down power button to turn on


New member
After having the battery in for a bit, i'm noticing a high pitched whine coming from the battery connector area. Everything still seems to be running great, but the noise leads me to believe something isn't finished... Any ideas?


New member
It's only there with the battery in. I tried with a few different batteries and it still does it. Had it running on battery for a few hours now and it's still running at least!


Staff member
I can't seem to get good contact with any of the pins on U7000. There's a bunch of sticky leftover flux crap that I can't seem to get out of this area, which is blocking me from making sold enough contact with anything to measure properly through. Any tips to clean it up? Q tips just rip apart and leave me with an even messier area, so i'm not gonna try that again :p

hot air at 500f and air as high as it can go. then just dump in ultrasonic while still hot. or, toothbrush/alcohol after heating up the flux and crud.


Staff member
(sorry for jumping your thread Antonio - question opportunity!!!) Louis could you also explain how can ISL send 16V to SMC? And how can we test if that happened?

The ISL6259 talks to the SMC on a 3.42v data line. The ISL6259 is also responsible for 12.6v creation which it sees on the CHGR_PHASE pin, and 16v from the charger on CHGR_DCIN pin.

If the ISL6259 dies, it can short out internally. Before R7005 blows/the charger goes out, poof... 16v right to the SMC data line.

and bye bye smc