820-3115-B no Boot


Thank you. I guess my TL866 has some problems. Today it wont read any IDs and the self test fails with an overcurrent ERROR... So i send it back and wait for the new one to arrive...I´ll let you know it the file works if i have the new reader here...


Yes, without chip installed. I also disconnected the cable from the 40 pin interafce to be sure tht thats not the issue.. The error comes only up at one pin. I did it at least 10 times and everytime the same error... Maybe thats why it gave me different readings from the same chip yesterday...


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New programmer arrived. Self test works this time. I tried your fixed file on 2 different chips from 820-3115-B donors and on the original IC. Before that i read the progeramm again from the original chip. All three failed during programming with different errors. I attached two of the Errors. But ID check always works now and i can read and programm all ICs without problems. I also attached the file i saved from the original Chip with the new programmer. Maybe that one is deiiferent from theole ones...



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Flaky connections in your adapter. MX chips are 100% known to work, I believe there may be some issues with the Q064 ones.
Maybe USB port not supplying enough current. TL866 normally works very well and easy.


I tried few more times and it always fails. But it fails not during programming. It fails during verifying... Original IC was Q064. I took a Q064 from another 820-3115-B programmed it (it failed again) and soldered it on to the board and it seems to work normally so far. It boots up fine and runs for 2 hours now without noticable problems. But if i am right bad BIOS can cause a lot more Problems even if it boots up fine... So would you suggest i keep on trying (maybe with an onboard USB 3 port) or will it be fine now?


I have no idea. It should not fail during verify! Try another computer, I use my TL866 with WIN7 64 bit with no issues.


I tried win 10 pro and win 7 pro 64 Bit as well as another pc and i get everytime an error during verification... But the device still runs just fine...