820-3115 DVD stuck= Not recognizing ac adapter


New member
Ok this one is a weird one
Customer brings in mbp 820-3115 states DVD got stuck into drive and thought it would be simple enough to take out drive and force stuck dvd out.

takes out DVD and now the computer doesnt recognize when ac adapter is plugged in and when you turn on via power button with charged battery it wont turn on unless you press power button long enough until it chimes. if you let go before chime it will shut down immediately.

im suspecting it to be SMC. did reflow didnt work. just wondering if there is a way to verify before replacing SMC

thanks in advance


I ask "over" the caps so each probe goes on one side of the cap. I need resistance and not diode mode set to 200 ohm scale.


Staff member
20 ohm for c7020 makes sense, 115 ohm for c7050 makes no sense.

look at R7050/R7051/R7052. Add them all up. See how it should add up to 2.203 ohms?

See how your measurement is 115 ohms?

Figure out what's broken. It's a trace, via, or resistor somewhere in that "loop"


New member
yes i understand now how this works. ill check it out tomorrow morning. thats for the step by step. and thanks duke

i really need to come see you for private tutoring before my 23rd birthday...


Also when you check the sense circuit, check R7005 too. If R7005 is not good the ISL6259 will be dead too.
Check for shorts to GND on R7050 and 7051 before replacing them, a shorted 6259 will kill the new resistor again.