820-3476 PPBUS_G3H=0V


This board has no fan, no green light on charger.

On U7000, pin 2 : CHGR_DCIN=0V. I checked D7105, in diode mode I have 2.85V in one way and 2.27V in the other, so I believe it is dead (values on a good one: 3V and 0.25V)
On U7000, resistance on pin 2 is 2 ohm (expected 80 ohm) so I believe this ISL is also dead.

Is there anything else I should check before replacing these 2, to avoid them frying again immediately? I don't see shorts on Q7130, resistance between pins 27/28 is 20.8Ω


Staff member
Remove U7100 and check diode mode to ground at pins 2, 19, 20.
If all good, solder new ISL6259A; may need to replace R/D7105 too.


U7100, D7105 removed.

pin 2: 0V R=22.2 ohm
pin 19: 0.33V R= 65kohm
pin 20: 0.33V R= 65kohm

I removed R7105, pin 2: 3.1 V
But then on pin 1 of R7105/pin 3 of D7105 (CHGR_DCIN_D_R), I had again 0V, 2.2 ohm. The boardview shows a link to R7192, and finally it was C7190 shorted!

I replaced C7190, D7105. I soldered back the same ISL, now I see orange light on charger, but PPBUS_G3H=1.1V

Here are U7100 voltages:
1 = 16.5V
2 = 17.8V
3 = 4.3V
9 = 0V
12 = 3.4V
13 = 3.4V
14 = 3.4V
15 = 0V
17 = 1.1V
19 = 5.5V
20 = 5.5V
27 = 1.1V

Is ISL dead, or is there any other components to check?


I removed F7140, same voltage on C7140
I replaced Q7180 from a donor board, same voltage
I replaced ISL6259A also from a donor board, and now I finally have 12.6V. Thanks for the help
I have a question about ISL9259: can ISL6259 AHRTZ be replaced with ISL6259 HRTZ, for example from 820-3115 boards? I cannot find datasheets for them
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