A1398 2015 pro 17 inch strange problem


New member
got a MBP in with a strange booting issue, it boots with my test ssd but when I log in it reboots, its hard to describe so ive taken a video and uploaded to youtube, hopefully I get a response before I get a copyright strike. history is that a customer dropped water on the desk next to it, no evidence of water under the top case corrosion near and on keyboard connector
I am posting here before messing with it, this is not a plz bro, just want to know if someone has seen this before on a 2015
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New member
ive cleaned the corrosion off the keyboard connector and keyboard flex, removed jtag and cleaned the corrosion off the . I get a chime then wait about 40 seconds for the apple logo to appear. then boots normally using my test ssd. I'm thinking that this was caused by the clock resistors. opinions? istat menus reporting temps, volts, and watts within spec. their ssd is also dead, it boots halfway then stops and reboots. there is also tripped moisture indicators on the battery
his ssd works fine in my macbook air
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New member
now its doing the same thing with my test ssd. theres no corrosion at all.no hints besides around the keyboard connector,
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New member
ive tried a macos install flash drive, sometimes doesn't reach that stage the problem seems to be getting worse, I'm pretty sure its not gpu related due to where the corrosion was and where the reported water spill was


Boot it up with an external LCD connected so it is forced to stay on the dGPU. See if problem is still there. Also run diagnostics and see if there are RAM errors.