A1502 2015 liquid damage spill with keyboard issue


New member
Hi guys,
I have a1502 with liquid damage, cleaned and working.. if I shutdown the laptop keyboard not recognized.. if I restart the machine then it works.. keyboard, trackpad and cable was replaced ..advise please?


New member
it does work fine, if i restart the computer then it shows a message asking to connect wireless keyboard(internal keyboard is not detected) but if i shut it down completely the turn on keyboard works....it is 2015


Staff member
When you say the utrn on keyboard works are you implying that only the power button works? If that is the case, my bet is ffsomeone ripped the inductor for PP5V_S4 off the board with their fingernail. I get three of these a week. L4803?


New member
no just the power button, the whole keyboard works fine........then after restarting the computer the problem occur, so if i remove the battery and starts the computer it works fine till i restart it . i will Check corrosion around connector area, U4820/30 area and report back