A1708 820-00875-01


Hi guys.

I have this A1708 820-00875-01 with a no power issue. There was some corrosion on the backlight circuit, on C8475 and C8466 which I cleaned and re-soldered. At the moment when plugged in it goes to 20v and around 0.5-0.6 amps but then drops to 0.3amps and stays that way. On the thermal camera, U3900 goes to the 40s-low 50s degrees, and also the CPU nearly 40, nothing else warms up. Even before I cleaned the corrosion there was no short anywhere and no other corrosion spots. Any idea?

Thanks :)


Now yes. It was strange that U2800 was overheating and not powering on while getting 20v. I took out and re-soldered U2800 and it powered on with just no backlight, the reason being the backlight cable was broken which I fixed and now it's all good :)

Thanks for the assistance ✌ :cool: