Charging problems

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Also I had an issue with the u7940 was shorted, I already replace it and it is not shorted now, I have green light and orange while charging but when I try to turn on....nothing!! no fan spinning...nothing
Shorted pads...nothing
the u7000 gets a little bit warm and Im not sure if it is shorted in one pin.
Could be because of that? Anyway Im gonna check all the power rails.
Any advise?


Q5490 is all ok then. U7000 is fine if battery is charging and there is 12.6V without the battery on F7040.
I thought this thing worked before messing with Q5490?


Q5490 is all ok then. U7000 is fine if battery is charging and there is 12.6V without the battery on F7040.
I thought this thing worked before messing with Q5490?
Yes it worked not very well... but now it is not :(

I had to change u2600 because it was corroded too, and probably is the problem
Im gonna to try fix this mofo mobo, all help is welcome :D
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Ok I´ve measured in diode mode the u2600 and in pin 11 I have nothing so I look the schematics and I look for the =PP1V8_S0 I have found that R2179 is giving me a wrong value instead of 2.2k I got 0,005 Ohms Im going to replace it and check, that little resistor can cause the machine to doesn´t turn on?


Ok this has no fucking end :(
The R2179 I replaced it and it is giving me the same value as before, ok I checked a cap c7772 was shorted, I replaced it and now the R2179 is giving me 282.5 Ohms instead of 2.2k :mad:
Pin 11 is giving me in diode mode now 0.102 V better than before (0V)
I need some light here please.
If you want we can start from the beginning but probably all is related to u2600 now or am I wrong?


At this point I have no idea anymore what you are doing. Need to start from scratch.
Is 3V3_S5 present on L7220? Is 5V coming high on L7260, it may be pulsing or only come high for a fraction. Check carefully.


At this point I have no idea anymore what you are doing. Need to start from scratch.
Is 3V3_S5 present on L7220? Is 5V coming high on L7260, it may be pulsing or only come high for a fraction. Check carefully.

Ok, pp3v3_s5 is present on L7220= 3.3V
there is 5v on l7260 but it is like pulsing.
The first time you take the measure it is 5v but later in 5 seconds it drops till 0,005 mv or something like that
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Yes Pin 4 q7950 also pulsating 5 seconds then the V drops
PPVCORE_S0_CPU probe 1234 pulsating as well the V drops in 5 seconds like in L7260

Why is that?


On/off can be caused by many things. But since you messed with u2600 that would be a likely suspect to look at now.


OK Following the rabbit hole I´ve found that there is a short over U5511 I think it i the U5511 itself, my question is can I desolder and check if is still the short plugin in the charger? or could it be dangerous?


Ok now it is charging and was because of the u7000 that was bad. You can close this thread and Im gonna open a new one because the same board have another issues.
Thank you everybody for helping me with this.

Duke= Now everything is stable in Voltage is not pulsing anymore I changed the U2600 and U5511
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