[help] 820-01958 dead: 20v not switching


i think that the power supply for pm is PP3V3_G3H_PMU_VDDMAIN

how can i pretend to have ldos if PP3V3_G3H_PMU_VDDMAIN is 2,4v????

so i think that before pp3v3 i should have PPBUS_G3H

but PPBUS_G3H is 2,28v!!

and like i read here

PPBUS_G3H is created by the Intersil/Renesas ISL9240 (U7000)

If you are getting 5 V on PPDCIN_G3H, the ISL9240 is likely the cause of the problem

i have already check the current sensors....

so i think i should change u7000 what do you think?|
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Staff member
"but PPBUS_G3H is 2,28v"
You've said 12.28V before; good enough for MLB to start.

"PP3V3_G3H_PMU_VDDMAIN is 2,4v"
I also asked and you've said 3.3V (R6979) connected.


Staff member
Sorry, I was looking at 01598 schematic; mea culpa.

Do not expect 12.6V at PPBUS_G3H until T2 correctly communicates with U7000.
Post U7650 basic voltages: 23, 22, 12, 13, 29, 21, 4.


Staff member
3V3_G3H_RTC is common rail; it should arrive to U3100 even when connect the charger to U3200 channel.

Compare diode mode readings for LDOs between U3100/200.