Logic board replacement - are ebay/baba boards shit?


I've run into a board I probably wont be fixing. Its time to tell my customer that I can't fix this board and offer her a few options. I'm trying to decide whether one of those options should be logic board replacement. I've had my fair share of crap components from China over the years, especially when it comes to motherboards(non-apple). Anyone have experience with grabbing functional boards from ebay or alibaba? I'm leaning towards it being a bad idea, as even a fairly small percentage of people coming back with a non functional board after a month or so would givbe me a headache. I guess I might already have my answer, but perhaps someone has a different experience/idea on the topic :) Obviously, steering clear of boards known to have GPU issues.


New member
Aliexpress boards are usually quite good if you buy them from a trusted repair company, I did it twice and they sent me screenshots with a passed OS ASD testing before shipping it out. One of those boards were for a laptop I own myself and its still working just fine

They're usually too expensive to make a good profit of it and the risk is not worth it though. I can't recommend doing so for customers


Thats what I was thinking Smiba. If something goes wrong with a board I replace, I'm going to be the one who has to deal with that. Sending stuff back to China/wherever and then waiting forever.. no thanks.


i bought a 820-3330 for stupid money of aliexpress for a desperate customer once.
It wouldn't boot fully, it was missing some small passive components, and it had its bios reflashed. This was a few years ago back in the day before knowing ME regions were of importance. To cut a long story short i sent the board back saying it had bios corruption or something and then my aliexpress purchase timed out and they kept the board.

Somewhat my fault but id be skepticle of aliexpress boards.

If you buy a 'working' board on ebay be prepared to clean up someone elses repairs or at least run it through an ultrasonic cleaner. id say 50% of the time ive bought 'working' boards they have been damaged in one form or another. I usually just try for a sizeable partial refund and then fix the board myself.